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Wednesday, July 16, 2008
It's time to say byebye to blogger!


Relink yeah.

My mind's unweaving/ 9:16 PM

Sunday, July 13, 2008
Yesterday was YH's long due birthday celebration. Haha.
Went breeks for late lunch. I was practically starving coz we had lunch at 3pm.

Went to Timothy's house after that.
We were walking into his house, then at the first floor balcony got the fish tank with a tortise fully submerged in water and kept trying to swim up and poke its head out of the water

Me: Eh your tortise very cute!
Daniel and the rest: Looks very retarded laa. Like so boring like that. Keeps swimming up and everything. And the neck so long some more.

(And after critising the tortise and everything we walked into Timothy's house and they realised that that was Timothy's tortise)

YH: OH. That was his tortise arh!
Daniel and the rest: ..... I thought was his neightbour's one! HAHA.
Daniel: Eh Tim, your tortise very nice leh. Has sexy long neck.


Family business.
Damn funny. Daniel was out of the game after 2 rounds. As in. After going past his turn 2 rounds, coz everyone kept targetting him at first. Hahaha.

Then we came up with a lame idea to surprise YH with the cake.
Haha. (:

Stayed till 9 plus then went home.
Tired tired.

And I'm tired now.

BESTFRIEND: Happy 18th!! Haha. (13/07)

And to Ger: HAPPY BELATED SEXY 17th! (12/07)

Gosh. So many people's birthdays are coming up.

My mind's unweaving/ 3:39 PM

Friday, July 11, 2008
Okay. I think I sounded tooo emo over the previous posts.

I'm fine I'm fine.
Like since when do I brood over the same thing over and over again.

And I realised it's the sad japanese song's that causing me to think so much!!!
You know the sad sad tune and everything!

And Charlene! I'm in no mood to do econs case study!! ):

Maybe I should go attempt a little bit of it later. So I don't feel guilty.
I've become such a good little girl all of a sudden. (:

My mind's unweaving/ 8:43 PM

Can someone tell me why we never get what we want.
Why we're constantly changing?

Why does the grass seems greener on the other side?

Why like someone when you're giving them the power to hurt you.

Why when you thought you were all alone then suddenly someone comes along and you thought he or she understands, yet that belief is snuffed out in a moment.

And what's with all these random thoughts now.

My mind's unweaving/ 6:58 PM

LC's the most most most EGOISTIC person I've ever known.

He had to go for some NS interview thingy which we suspect is commandos.
Then on wikipedia they said the selection criteria is "above average intelligence".

lala - orhorh not? says:
mayb go there
lala - orhorh not? says:
bunk in liao
lala - orhorh not? says:
they say
lala - orhorh not? says:
lala - orhorh not? says:
u too smart
lala - orhorh not? says:
no nid take a levels
lala - orhorh not? says:
next time take
lala - orhorh not? says:
u come join ns now

I seriously laughed like crap.
Okay not funny but I find it funny.
As in. I'm picturing the scene.

My mind's unweaving/ 6:43 PM

We're all running out of time.

I think term 3 will be like the most stressful period of your life.
Teachers will be stressed as well.
And this is seriously the first time in my whole entire life I'm starting my revision sooo early in advance.

Which means no more card games, no more blogging of long stories, no more slacking in school after lessons, no more early nights, no more slack weekends, no more chatting on msn for long hours, no more distractions, basically no more life.

There will be just God, family, friends (minimal), _______, music, sweets, notes.

It's the last 3 months to determine who you are. Quoting Mr Patrick.

And know what.
The feeling is like. Your happiness disappearing in a flash.
Empty emptied emptiness.

Sometimes I wish I'm much less complicated eh.
So please don't assume you know so much about me. Like what I may be talking and everything. You may think I mean this but actually I meant otherwise. Because I'm too complicated beyond understanding.

And it's because of this I appreciate you a lot. Because you seem to know what excatly I'm thinking and mean every time. And even without me saying, you know when I'm feeling down and everything. Telepathy or what.

There are a lot of things that ran through and are still running through my mind. But some things are not meant to be posted here.

And sometimes it's better to put a break to everything.
Some things you see but you pretend you don't.
Like building up a wall and not letting anyone touch you so they can't hurt you.
And repeat to yourself over and over that it doesn't matter.

And I don't really care whether it does actually matters or not anymore.
What's got to be done, got to be done.
And I don't really care if you understand whatever crap I'm talking about because some things are meant to be kept inside.

This world is full of pretences.
And at the end of the day, the only one you know who's there all the way is the Lord. He knows things you hide inside, how much you're hurting, things that you yourself don't even know. And He never fails to be there whenever you need someone to talk to, someone to cry out to, and heals you no matter what. God gives the perfect kind of love and I think only He is capable of doing so simply because He's God.

Are we happy plastic people
Under shiny plastic steeples
With walls around our weakness
And smiles to hide our pain

My mind's unweaving/ 4:38 PM

Thursday, July 10, 2008

行きたいよ 君のところへ 小さな手をにぎりしめて
泣きたいよ それはそれは きれいなそらだった
願いを 流れ星に そっと唱えてみたけれど
泣きたいよ 届かない想いを この空に...。

I want to go to where you are
And hold tight to that small hand of yours
I want to cry
That was such a beautiful sky
I softly whispered a wish to a shooting star
But I want to cry
My thoughts won't reach up there, not to this sky


My new addiction.

Decided to put up the PV with the english subs instead.

I went to type out the whole translation from the video coz that particular translation couldn't be found anywhere else, and I don't like the other translations.
Had to type super super fast can.

My mind's unweaving/ 9:45 PM

When I'm sad I like to listen to sad songs, and when I'm happy I like to listen to happy songs. Chinese or English most of the time.

And when I'm not sure what I'm feeling,
I like to listen to Japanese songs.
Because it's in a foreign language which you don't quite fully understand.

And now I feel like listening to Japanese songs.

My mind's unweaving/ 5:11 PM

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Celes: You know last time my school wanted us to grow green beans, but I grew red beans instead because I did't have green beans. And I waited but it didn't grow. Then exam question came out something like: "Which of the following: Red beans or baked beans can be grown?" And I wrote baked bean.


I have to study tonight or else I'll have to treat Charlene lunch tmr!

2 more months.
I don't want this to end actually.
I'll miss my JC life a lot a lot a lot. ):

& I never think about you
but you're always on my mind

My mind's unweaving/ 5:56 PM

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Goodbye Days - Yui

できれば 悲しい 想いなんてしたくない
そのとき 笑顔で Yeah hello my friend なんてさ

If its possible, I don't wish to have any sad memories
But they'll come one day, won't they?
And when they do, if only I can say "Yeah hello! My friend" with a smile

My mind's unweaving/ 8:57 PM

7th August.

the loves
My one and only.
Small animals.
Card games.


Abah [Mummy].
Daniel Chu.
Daniel Foo.
Evelyn [g-granddaughter].
Fawn [Bestfriend].
Junying [Twinnie].
Rachael Honks.
Sarah Chua.

designer : kathleen
image : hiddenmemoryx
lyrics : It Ends Tonight/ AAR

A falling star
Least I fall alone.
I can't explain what you can't explain.
You're finding things that you didn't know
I look at you with such disdain

April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008